Hello Halloween! These DIY light jars create an eerily beautiful mood

Hello Halloween! These DIY light jars create an eerily beautiful mood

Something to celebrate again at last! Easter and the latest family celebration are long past – and Christmas is still a long way off. That’s why, it is nice that now Halloween is just around the corner! Because, if you decorate your home with a few nice d-c-fix DIY ideas for this occasion, you give yourself and your loved ones spooky-beautiful, but above all fun moments. And all of a sudden, the dreariness of the long dark fall days is banished... Happy Halloween!


10 min


30 min





You will need:


10 min


30 min





Before & after effect

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Start your DIY now – the tutorial shows you how, step-by-step

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Start your DIY now – the tutorial shows you how, step-by-step

Hand holding pencil makes marks on back of window foil.
Step 1

Measure the circumference and height of the jar with the tape measure. Then transfer these measurements to the back of the rice paper window foil.

Spray bottle wets jar with water.
Step 2

Cut the piece of foil to size with the aid of a utility knife and ruler. Then spray the jar with water.

Hands hold piece of foil and backing paper is peeled off.
Step 3

Peel off the backing paper from the entire piece of full.

Hand holds smoothing blade and smooths window foil onto jar.
Step 4

Place the piece of foil on the table with the back side facing up, place the jar on top and apply the foil by rolling the jar on the window foil. Then turn the glass upright and apply the foil firmly using the smoothing blade.

Hand holding pencil draws Halloween motif on adhesive foil backing.
Step 5

Next, take the matt black adhesive foil, roll it up slightly and draw Halloween motifs onto the backing paper.

Hand holds utility knife and cuts out motif.
Step 6

Cut out the motifs from the foil using the utility knife.

Smoothing blade presses adhesive motif onto glass.
Step 7

Remove the motif from the foil, peel off the backing paper and apply the motif onto the jar.

You did it!