DIY makeover: speedy cabinet facelift!

DIY makeover: speedy cabinet facelift!

The good thing about cupboards or cabinets with glass doors: you can see what’s inside. The difficult thing about it: everything needs to be neat and tidy otherwise everyone will see disorder and chaos. Because this is stressful and not the point, we have a clever makeover hack for glass doors. It makes sure that the inside is beautifully hidden and everything looks neat on the outside. All you need: the d-c-fix window film “Static Antwerp white” – you can find out the rest in the tutorial! 


10 min


15 min





You will need:

  • d-c-fix window film “Static Antwerp white”
  • d-c-fix application kit with doctor blade and utility knife
  • d-c-fix application fluid or spray bottle with water
  • Pencil
  • Yard stick 
  • Rule
  • Cloth
  • Wardrobe with (Ikea) glass door

10 min


15 min





Before & after effect

‘After’ image
‘Before’ image

Here’s how to give the cabinet a new look:

Preview Image for Preparation

You have everything you need? Then get started!

The cloth cleans the glass.
Step 1

Clean the glass pane thoroughly with a cloth.

The yard stick measures the glass pane.
Step 2

Measure the width and height of the glass pane with the yard stick.

Utility knife cuts the window film along the rule.
Step 3

Transfer the measurements to the backing paper of the window film and cut the piece of film along the ruler using the cutter.

Spray mist onto the glass.
Step 4

Spray the glass pane generously with mounting fluid or water.

Hand removes backing film.
Step 5

Remove the backing paper from the window film.

Doctor blade smoothing down the window film.
Step 6

Apply the window film to the glass piece by piece with the doctor blade to eliminate any moisture trapped underneath. 

Excess water is absorbed with a cloth.
Step 7

Finally, rub the glass pane dry with the cloth.

You did it!